JAMS foundation: The Weinstein International Fellowship for 2012
For the applicant for JAMS foundation announced and non degree , non USA fellowship in USA for 2012 which deadline expired on December 2, 2011. The Weinstein International Fellowship program, provides opportunities for individuals from outside the United States to visit the U.S. to learn more about dispute resolution processes and practices and to pursue a project of their own design that serves to advance the resolution of disputes in their home countries. 
The JAMS Foundation Board of Directors will approve Fellowships of up to $25,000 in support of projects outlined by Fellowship applicants. This program is intended to be flexible and open to innovation, and applicants are encouraged to develop proposals that will increase the availability of dispute resolution education, training and services in their home countries and beyond.
During their time in the U.S., Fellows may be based in a JAMS Resolution Center or may participate in a university program or be connected to another organization or institution, depending on the nature of their proposal. Fellowships may be from one month to one year in duration.
It is anticipated that Fellows will come from countries that do not have an established culture of using mediation for cases in litigation. Part of the Fellows' time in the United States will be spent observing how JAMS administers and resolves such cases.
- Applicants must be fluent in English
- Fellowship period must be one month to twelve months in duration
- Preference for proposals that would help applicant's home country establish viable dispute resolution systems or change how disputes are resolved
- Preference for applicants who have experience as lawyers, law professors, court administrators, government officers, ADR practitioners, or judges
Please note that pursuant to U.S. State Department regulations, the JAMS Foundation is not an approved 'Sponsor' with regard to the issuance of visas to foreign nationals. While the JAMS Foundation will make every effort to help facilitate visa applications of Weinstein Fellows, Fellows are individually responsible for obtaining the necessary visa for the purposes and duration of their Fellowship.
Please also note that pursuant to U.S. Internal Revenue Service regulations, Fellowship funding is subject to taxation as income. This tax may be affected by a number of factors, including recipient's country of origin, whether that country has a tax treaty with the U.S., and the purpose for which Fellowship funds are used. Additional information regarding the taxation of income to foreign nationals is available at www.irs.gov.
Fellowship applications for 2012 will be reviewed by the JAMS Foundation Board of Directors at their first quarterly meeting on January 27, 2012. Applications must be received by December 2, 2011 in order to be eligible for consideration. The Foundation Board may also consider expedited review of Fellowship applications in appropriate circumstances.
More Information
Ellen Bass, Weinstein Fellowship Program Coordinator
Telephone: 415-774-2660
Email: ebass@jamsfoundation.org
David Brandon, Program Manager
Telephone: 415-774-2648
Mailing Address:
JAMS Foundation
Two Embarcadero Center, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94111
JAMS Foundation, USA
The Weinstein International Fellowship, USA
Host (Institutions):
The JAMS Foundation, USA
Non Degree
Study in:
Deadline: Deadline is December 2, 2011
Since this JAMS foundation , one year long, fellowship (Scholarship) on special topics so lawyers, law professors, court administrators, government officers, ADR practitioners, or judges are only can apply to this Non USA international Fellowship.
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